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​​East Grinstead Community First Responders

Check out our latest photos and see what your Community First Responders have been up to in the community! If you have a photo of a CFR attending a local event why not send it in to us to be displayed in our photo gallery!

Darren, Lee, Sam and Ash our team leader at the East Grinstead 999 day in June 2013

Sam and Lee explaining what we do for our community to the East Grinstead Town Mayor.

Lee, Sam and Ash manning the CFR stand at the East Grinstead 999 day.

East Grinstead CFR Lee/Leon Carr and Crawley Down CFR Rae White with Malcolm Legg and some CFR colleagues at the annual members meeting 2013 - Effingham Park Hotel
Scroll over or click on a picture to see what we are up to!

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